August 10th 2022

UPDATED 17 04 2023

*page still under construction


A large crowd gathered outside the offices of the District Council on a gloriously sunny summer's day.

Shaun and Mark addressed them and introduced a member of the council who assured everyone that the Council were watching with interest .


The crowd then marched down through the centre of town chanting and waving banners, assembling on the lawn of Bank House, the HQ of FORESTRY ENGLAND.

There they met the man who is the 'face' of the plan to destroy Cannop Ponds, Deputy Surveyor Kevin Stannard. He was given something of a hard time as people genuinely feel he is personally responsible for threatening a much loved part of the Forest.

To his credit he addressed everyone face-to-face. But many felt that, when questioned, he hid behind the dam report which was only available to public scrutiney in heavily censored ("redacted") form. Most of the questions which needed answering were not answered as a result.

Public opinion did not seem to have much effect on Mr Stannard but it's strength was perhaps something of a surprise to him that afternoon.




updated  17-04-23





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The SAVE CANNOP PONDS website is operated and edited by the SAVE CANNOP PONDS TEAM in Gloucestershire, England.  Opinions expressed are those of the writers and not the editor.